Monday, July 9, 2012

Common Discomforts During the First Trimester

Discomforts during the First 3 months of Pregnancy

The First Trimester

Nausea and Vomiting

  • Called as morning sickness, but it may occur anytime during the day.


  • Hormonal changes;
  • Fatigue;
  • Emotional factors; and
  • Changes in carbohydrates metabolism


  • Instruct the mother to avoid greasy, highly seasoned foods;
  • Encourage her to eat small frequent meals;
  • Advise her to eat dry toast or crackers before getting out of bed in the morning; and
  • Suggest intake of complex carbohydrates with the onset of nausea.

Nasal Stuffiness, Discharge, or Obstruction


  • Edema of the nasal mucosa from elevated estrogen levels


  • Encourage the use of a cool-moist humidifier;
  • Suggest the use of normal saline nose drops or nasal spray; and
  • Advise the mother to apply cool compress to the nasal area.

Breast Enlargement and Tenderness


  • Increased estrogen and progesterone level


  • Encourage the use of a well-fitting bra with wide shoulder straps for support;
  • Reinforce the need for maintaining good posture; and
  • Advise the mother to wash her breast and nipple area with water only.

Urinary Frequency and Urgency


  • Pressure of the enlarging uterus on the bladder
  • Around the 12th week the  uterus rises into the abdominal cavity, causing symptoms to disappear; and
  • Symptoms recur in the thir trimester as the uterus again presses on the bladder.


  • Suggest to the mother that she decrease her fluid intake in the evening to minimize nocturia (urinary frequency at night times);
  • Encourage her to limit the intake of caffeinated beverages;
  • Reinforce the need to promptly respond to the urge to void in order to prevent bladder distention and urinary stasis;
  • Teach her how to perform Kegel's Exercises; and
  • Teach her the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection and instruct her to promptly report any she experiences.

Increased Leukorrhea (vaginal discharges)


  • Hyperplasia of vaginal mucosa; and
  • Increased mucus production by the endocervical glands.


  • Encourage the mother to bathe daily and avoid using soap on the vulvar area;
  • Reinforce the need to wipe from front to back;
  • Urger her to wear loose, absorbent cotton underwear and to avoid tight pants and pantyhose;
  • Suggest the use of panty liners or perineal pads and frequent changing if discharges is bothersome;
  • Caution her to avoid douching; and
  • Instruct her to notify the health care provider immediately if the discharge changes in color or odor.

Increased Fatigue


  • The increased effort of the body to manufacture the placenta; and
  • The need to adjust to the many other physical and emotional demands of pregnancy.


  • Encourage frequent rest periods as much as possible;
  • Offer suggestions to obtain rest during the day at home or at work;
  • Encourage intake of a balanced diet with iron supplements;
  • Suggest the use of warm milk or warm shower or bath before going to bed at night to aid in relaxation; and
  • Advise engaging in moderate regular exercise.


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